Dreams Don’t Work…

Funny how that works, huh?

One of the things I hear the most from actors is, “I don’t want to be running around town doing busy work.” What they’re really saying is that they don’t want to put time and effort into something unless they know it’s going to pay off. The way they have it planned in their head. Break it down even further? A booking. 

Think about it. If I told you running around town and dropping off headshots or taking awesome workshops would produce a guaranteed booking — would you do it?

Easy answer, huh?

The problem is, nothing guarantees a booking. 

Let’s shift your perspective to THINKING BETTER. What if you thought everything you are putting out there, right now, is leading you to your BIG YES?!  

How would it feel doing the “busy work” now?

Try out a new thought in your head this week: I am working towards my BIG YES!


It’s a new week and new opportunities are literally right around the corner. I have a challenge for you. You in?

Write down three things you want to get done this week for your career. Could be something as simple as:

  • Getting new headshots. 
  • Following up with that hot lead from that new agent! 
  • Signing up for an acting class that REALLY challenges you. 

Can be anything you want. But, be specific and stretch yourself. These should be steps that are moving you towards your ultimate goal. Working Actor. 

Challenge accepted? 



What are the THREE things you’re getting done this week? Send me a quick email to up the stakes and keep you accountable. 



Helping Actors ACTualize

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